The final paint job makes all the difference.  Keeping in line with the rest of the project, I stayed with the original color scheme and had a local company mix up some paint using the original DuPont codes – wonderful Lime Green for the stripe and Grass Green for the W.

We used a HVLP gravity feed paint gun for the stripes… and a LOT of painters’ tape and masking paper.

In addition to painting the sides of the vehicle, corner moldings and access doors had to be painted and in some cases, remade.

Next, the QGoLive and CBS News Radio vinyl logos were applied.

Finally, the wheels needed some attention.

What a transformation! And it wouldn’t have been possible without my extremely generous parents (pictured below).  From all the physical and mechanical aspects of the project to making all of the curtains, I can’t thank them enough!  It’s not even possible to count the number of man-hours on this project!  Stay tuned for a final before-and-after.

– James