From Walt Palmer, Director of Broadcast Operations, Engineering, and Programming at WGMD:

The entire airstaff of WGMD has been ravaged by Influenza A.

I felt the first effects on Thursday afternoon. But if just so happened I had an appointment with my GP Friday and was able to start a regiment of meds by early evening.

Saturday morning I received a call from my mid-morning guy, Jake, who sounded like I felt.  Jake is kinda bullheaded and didn’t feel the need to seek medical attention until Sunday mid-day.

Duke, my PM Drive star, has a surgical appointment today for a hernia repair.

QGo To The Rescue!

Mike is now voicing his show live from home in Easton, MD.  At 10am Andrea, a part-time host, will do 3 hours from her home in Philly. Kevin will fill in for Duke with a personal appearance in studio.

I am very pleased with the ease, utility and robust features of QGo.  It saved my broadcast day!!

Happy to be of assistance Walt.  Here’s a quick clip of Andrea handling her show from home, phone calls and all: