QGoLive allows reporters to quickly get on the air in broadcast quality simply by launching an app and pressing one button.

It is a software to software solution and does not require the purchase of hardware at the studio end. The transmit app runs on iOS or Android devices. The receiver application runs on PC or Mac.

We can also provide a rack mount receiver with balanced XLR inputs and outputs so you don’t have to tie up a computer for the receiver.

The primary purpose of QGoLive is to replace the live shots that are typically broadcast in phone quality because the reporter has just arrived on the scene and has not had an opportunity to set up equipment for a broadcast quality live shot.


View User Guide

iPhone/Android App

The App has three major components – Live, Playlist, and Scripts.


This screen allows the user to connect to the receiver at the radio station. Log in with your provided credentials (they will be remembered). To connect hit the play button in the center of the screen. This will send audio to the station receiver and send cue audio to the app. To hit the button (pause) again. (Note: If the app appears to freeze or get stuck at any point, perform a forced close).

The app will run in the background so you can use other non-audio apps while broadcasting with QGoLive. You may also switch to the other functions of QGoLive including…


QGoLive allows you to write or dictate scripts which you can read while live. You can also insert edited audio directly into your script for playback during a live report. To write a script, click the scripts tab and then the “add” icon at upper left.

Finally, imported cuts can also be added to and played from the scripts tab. When you get to the point where you wish to insert your edited audio, click the speaker icon at the upper right. It will present you with a list of available cuts. Select the cut or cuts you wish to include and they will be placed into your script. Click “add script” to save your script. When you are ready to air your report, connect to the station via the “live” tab. Then switch to the scripts tab and select the script you wish to use for your report. You will see a screen with your text and audio clip(s). Clicking the audio cut button will play the audio on your app and also over your live stream. The cut will countdown during playout.


You can run multiple instances of the remote in your studios and newsroom to see which reporters are available to go to air and to select them for air. As with the main receiver you can click the TX button to drop cue to a reporter and click it again to restore cue.


Use this function to play out cuts recorded and edited in external apps such as Twisted Wave or any audio program that can open its output (mp3) in another program (or a browser that can open downloaded files in another app).

Here we can select QGL as the application to open the exported file. QGL will open and import the cut automatically adding it to the “manage” tab.  You can also choose to have the cut added automatically to “playlist”

To select a cut to play on air – click the speaker button and select your cut from the pulldown. Your cut will then be ready to play on air. You can preview it as often as necessary, whether you are connected to the receiver or not. You can add more cuts and play them in the order of your choosing.  You may drag cuts to change their position. To play these cuts on air as part of a wrap simply go to the “live” tab, connect, and then switch back to the “playlist tab”, and fire off the cuts at the appropriate time. Imported cuts can be managed in through the “Manage” tab. Clicking the delete button will remove the cut from the pull down for the playlist tab.



The QGoLive receiver runs on a PC or Mac at the radio station. It receives audio from apps in the field and sends cue audio to those apps. The receive audio is heard through the computer’s default playback audio card. Any audio card set up for recording purposes may be used to feed cue audio to the apps.

Any number of logged in apps may call into the receiver. All will get cue. The first app to connect will be ready to be received and go live by default.

To select a different app (reporter) click the bar with that reporter’s name.(This can also be done via the provided remote control application). To interrupt cue audio to a connected app click the green TX button next to the reporter’s name (do this when recording a reporter for later airing). Click the button again to restore cue.

You can also manually disconnect a reporter by right clicking on the bar with the reporter’s name.
